Client Testimony

Casino Self Storage

Casino Self Storage: “We contracted with Self StorageWorks in 2002 to help with design, layout and entitlement of our new self storage project. Greg Call attended all of the planning and city council meetings, and was instrumental in securing approval after a protracted battle with the city. Self Storage Works was then hired to start up the facility and manage the construction process. The end result was that our facility opened on time and on budget, and we exceeded all revenue and lease-up projections.
Manny Asadurain, Owner, Casino Self Storage

Ellis Self Storage

Ellis Self Storage: “Our self storage business had reached a plateau of 75% occupancy and despite our best efforts we were unable to increase occupancy levels. After many months of failing to increase occupancy levels we decided to give Self StorageWorks a try. Within four months of activating our program we reached our goal of 95% occupancy—two months ahead of schedule! Self StorageWorks’ innovative marketing, management and operational solutions completely transformed our business and we can’t recommend their services highly enough!”
Ralph Ogden, Owner, Ellis Self Storage

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