Client Testimony

SOS Storage

SOS Storage: “Self StorageWorks has been instrumental in the successful start up and continuing daily operations of our facility. From their inspired office design, to the hiring and training of the onsite management team, to the creation and implementation of a comprehensive marketing program, to the ongoing monitoring of every facility aspect, Self StorageWorks has been there for us every step of the way. Their unmatched professionalism, and industry expertise have clearly elevated SOS Storage above our competition and we look forward to working with them far into the future.”
Brian Hughes, President, SOS Storage

The State of Hiring & Recruitment

The State of Hiring & Recruitment
Increase Your Candidate Success Rate
by Greg Call

Do you feel comfortable with your self-storage applicants, their strengths and weaknesses, reliability and purpose? Do they seem genuinely interested in the position you offer? Do you ask relevant questions during the interview process? Do your candidates? Do they seem qualified at their current or past jobs? Do you check their references and backgrounds and talk to previous supervisors? Do you verify dates of employment, salary, eligibility and their reasons for... Read More...

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